밤섬해적단 (Bamseom Pirates)

Been listening to 밤섬해적단 of late – more accurately, viewing their performances on YouTube, as I consider them performance art rather than the “grindcore” or “noise” labels attached to them. I think they’re awesome, but I find it hard to explain their awesomeness to people who haven’t grown up in Korea. It starts with the lead singer’s helmet, with “멸공” (“death to communism”) scrawled on it, then the PowerPoint presentations accompanying their songs, and the songs themselves – their first album 서울불바다 (“Seoul Sea of Fire”), released in July of 2010, has 42 songs crammed into 53 minutes, full of sharp satire and humor. The title refers to the periodic threat from North Koreans to turn Seoul into a “sea of fire.”

“나는 씨발 존나 젊다”

“Minimum Wage Maximum Rage”

“공산당에 속지 않아” (“I won’t be fooled by Communists”)

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2 Responses to 밤섬해적단 (Bamseom Pirates)

  1. meganekun says:

    Nice blog you got here! I hope you’ll keep on updating it with regularity because i really need to know more about the Korean music scene.

    I saw Bamseom Pirates last year in Seoul at a punk show held in a room half the size of a shoebox. That was fun.

    Meganekun, bibimbap & makgeolli.

  2. The Girl says:

    That Bamseom show must have been awesome!
    I, too, hope to start updating more regularly!

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